The Best Value Cleanse and Detox!

4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)
4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)
4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)
4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)
4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)
4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)

4in1 Nutroflow Cleanse Kit (4 Week Supply)

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  • 4 one week packets of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea

  • 1 Nutroflow Bottle complete with Strainer

  • 1 Nutroflow Male / Female BMI Tape Measure

  • 1 Nutroflow Tummy Monitor with 4 week monitor guide

Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea is a unique blend of safe all natural powerful ingredients specially formulated to gently clean and detoxify the Digestive Tract, Colon, Lymphatic System, Kidneys, Blood Streams, Liver, Skin and Lungs by removing excess acid, harmful bacteria and toxic build up from the body. It is an Acai Berry flavoured iced tea that is refreshingly great tasting and can be enjoyed once or twice daily on an empty stomach. It is a gentle cleanse and may give you bowel movements and an increase in urination between 6 to 12 hours after consumption. For best results please ensure you remain properly hydrated with water daily whilst on this cleanse.

5 Easy Steps To Prepare:

3 tea bags (One Packet) makes 1 gallon (4 quarts) of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea.

Step 1 - Pour 2 cups (16 ounces) of water into pot and bring to a rolling boil.

Step 2 - Pour hot water into a dish and add the 3 tea bags.

Step 3 - Cover and leave to steep for 8 hours. (this brings ingredients to full potency).

Step 4 - Pour all contents including 3 tea bags into an empty gallon bottle.
Step 5 - Add tap or bottled water to contents filling up to the gallon mark, Keep stored in the refrigerator and drink as directed below.


3 tea bags (One Packet) makes 1 gallon (4 quarts) of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea and gives you 16 servings of 8 oz. Drink 2 servings per day:

Drink One (1) - 8 oz serving 30 minutes before Breakfast

Drink One (1) - 8 oz serving 30 minutes before Dinner


One (1) - 16 oz serving once per day on an empty stomach (your both 8oz at once) 

CHILDREN - between ages 12 to 18 use ONLY under parental consent! and consume One (1) - 8 oz serving (or less) per day, on an empty stomach. Can use up to a period of 5 days max. 

*IMPORTANT TO NOTE (Adults) - One can decrease or increase their serving amounts per day if effects are too strong or too weak depending. However, if you may need to increase, only use up to a maximum of One (1) - 16 oz serving "Twice" per day (16oz in the morning and 16oz in the evening) This is the best recommended usage for persons experiencing Constipation issues and can be used this way for a 4 day period. Ensure you drink at least "8 glasses" of water per day whilst on cleanse. 


 Nurtoflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea usage period varies depending on your goals!
~ For persons just looking for a proper cleanse and detox can use for one (1) month, then repeat every four (4) to six (6) months as maintenance. Ensure to stay properly hydrated with water throughout the day for best results.

~ For persons using specifically for weight loss may need to use up to three (3) months consecutively for best results, then every four (4) to six (6) months as maintenance. Ensure to stay properly hydrated with water throughout the day for best results.


Take your serving of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea on the go with your Nutro-Bottle: 
​- Features in oz and ml units  (up to 16oz / 473ml)
- Spill proof bottle mouth/ strainer  
​- BPA free
Reuse also as your daily water bottle to keep you hydrated all day long. No excuse to miss your daily intake and the benefits of this wonderful Iced Tea.


Do you have a healthy or unhealthy tummy size?
With your Nutroflow BMI Tape Measure you can keep track of your tummy size and measure your progress while using this amazing Iced Tea. 
- Male and Female flexible retractable tape with looped end piece to measure tummy circumference.
- Colour-coded sections indicating healthy weight, overweight and obese body types.
- Features in metric units.


Nutroflow Tummy Monitor allows you to easily take record of your progress whilst on the Ultra Cleanse in 3 simple steps: 

1. Note your name, starting weight and starting tummy size.
2. Note each date you consume your serving of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea.
3. Note your finishing weight and finishing tummy size.
Each week represents one (1) packet of Nutroflow Ultra Cleanse Iced Tea.